Bigg post. be warning
Its da new year, so I shall make a plethora of plans for 2023. Maybe ill do em, maybe iwon't, but staying optimistix is the key to msot situations jn life :))))). dis list shall be expandded later. Here it's:
🦍 Participate more events!! both irl and on ng. I think it's a great way to meet new friends and to talk more with others, as well as build my portfolio.
>>🦧 in turn, i wan t to post more on my ngs yeah yeah. like a new artwork a week. improve my workflow, be less lazy.
🦍 exerciize!! i am deadass tired of being lazy and fat n clinicall ybraindead, so im gonna try and get into sports! (marital arts?? basquetball??). bulk up :DD
🦍 improve mental health!!
>>🦧 it's shit.
🦍 Learn a new language, study more araaat. macadamia stuff. i want to spend around 2-3 hours just straight studying so i can improve quicker. maybe learn to discipline myself, create timetables, journal more.
🦍 Start on my new comic!! if youb been following on me socialZ, you probably seen my ohseas around (especially on my twitter). theyre sposed to be for my gnu comic "World Ends; Fun Begins"!!. i havebnt gone very far wid it las t year, any attempt to do so reszultswith me just giving up. but i hope to get a start on it dis year!! a chapter a month. fresh and bright, like a pickle :))
🦍 use a different art software more ofteb. most if my works are made with ibispaintx for mobile. which is bad for my eyees!! i also don't want to use its desktop version. and so, i want to use something different, like krita or medibang more often. i should also watch the tutorials more often lulz.
i hope to do a ton of dis stuff throughout the year, cuz i got 365 dayZ!! do more; be more.
Here are some cool art ;9
posted dis on me twitter